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Showing posts from October, 2009

Michael Jackson's This Is It!

10-28-2009 The Grand Theater No Rating Since this really isn't a "movie" movie I didn't rate it as such. I really enjoyed this movie. It was simply file footage of concert preperation for his London concerts that he never got to perform. I was truly impressed with Jackson's work ethic, attention to detail, and his ability to bring out the best music and performance from everyone who worked for him. Jackson was truly a professional, when he speaked everyone listened. And he was right in his directions. The performance they were rehearsing would have been out of this world incredible, and Jackson at 50 sure didn't look like he hadn't performed in 10 years. I thoroughly enjoyed and was inspired by this movie. It wasn't about his death or life, it was about his craft and that's why it so appealed to me.

Paramormal Activity

10-28-2009 The Grand Theater Four Seasons Excellent This was not the scarient movie I've ever scene. I watched it alone, and I slept fine. However it was a great movie to see. I was concerned at the begining. It looked like another Cloverfield or Quarantine at the begining, which if you're familiar with my reviews is not a good thing, Fortunately this was the best filmed of the "reality" live taped movies. the first half of the movie you don't want to see the demon manifest itself because you're afraid to be scared. The second half of the movie you want to see the demon manifest itself because it's fun. This movie isn't gory or overly paramormal. It's the simple things that make this a fun movie to watch. And don't worry, you won't have nightmares!


10-9-2009 The Grand Theater Superior This movie was flippin' awesome. Non-stop entertainment from begining to end. This is how you make a smart Horror-Comedy. When you compare it to other movies on this list, no it is not as good as they are, but when you compare it to other comedies, it is beyond superior. And Gorry. Oh my gosh I've never seen so much blood. It was disgusting, I loved it. There's nothing serious about this movie at all it's just a fun zombie killing movie. The ideas were fresh and the characters surprising and interesting. Go see this movie and be prepared to laugh until your head explodes, it just may happen, especially if someone thinks you're a zombie. They'll probably shoot you twice, rule #2. I feel I learned a lot about how to survive if the world suddenly becomes overrun by cannibalistic zombie. A good skill to have.

The Surrogates

10-9-2009 The Grand Theater Great I love a good sci-fi thriller. Bruce Willis has to be an old man by now right? Well he didn't look it, he was pretty tough. Although I admit this movie was predicatble, with no real surprises, it had some cool effects and it was cool to see all the Surogates deactivate at the end. Oh come on now, stop whinning, you had to know they get shut down at the end, there's no way that's a spoiler.