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Showing posts from September, 2010

The Last Exorcist

The Last Exorcist 9-11-2010 The Grand Theater Great Now I wish we found out what happened to the characters at the end of the movie, a disapointing regular feature to "Blair Witch" like movies, it was a cool idea and it was very funny. It was really scary which was good because you don't really want it to be scary and I kind of got annoyed when they did try to scare me. Try this one on video you'll have just as much fun watching it.


Flipped 9-11-2010 The Grand Theater Excellent...but darn near Superior Where did this movie come from, and why wasn't it publicized more so that more people can see it? What a beautiful movie that's nostalgic without being annoyingly gut wrenching. I wasn't crazy about the ending which knocked it down from Superior to excellent. In spite of a disapointing ending there should be more movies made like this one and people should go see more movies like this one.


9-5-10 The Grand Theater Horrible...Great...Not Superior What can I say, it was as healthy as cotton candy. Was it trying to be a serious action flick? Sometimes. Was it a comedy? Maybe? Bad writing, dumb ending. Cool action scenes followed by ridiculous embarassing action scenes. When you add it all up what a horrible movie. You shouldn't go see it because it's so's so's cheap entertainment with it's decapitated heads, pretty women and ugly men both doing outlandish, illogical and implausable acts. So there, take that, it's a bad movie. By the way I liked it, but I shouldn't have. Do you want to go see it with me again? Machete Trailer