The Black Swan The Grand Theater Excellent Honestly, I didn't enjoy this movie for the first 45 minutes. I was expecting it to follow the formula for a traditional suspense thriller. What I learned as I approached the latter part of the movie is that this movie wasn't deigned that way. What this movie does is take you into this balerina's world and mind. You're never sure about what's real and what is not. It is a fascinating movie. The movie is powerfully scored and feels like a ballet itself. I'd like to see it again with the understanding that the movie is more like a ballet, then it is a movie. Hopefully this understanding will help you enjoy it more from the begining.
The definitive source for Film evaluation. (Sounds impressive huh?)Keep in mind, this isn't a site for me to crap on movies I don't like. I don't go see movies I don't think I'll like (Unlike some internet reviewers). I love going to the movies, I'd go everyday if I could. So if you'd like to hear what I though about movies I've seen this is the place to be!