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Showing posts from August, 2009

Inglorious Basterds

The Grand Theater 8/23/2009 Excellent This move was as good as I had hoped it would be. What made it good was what makes all good movies good, "Writing" Quinten Tarantino is one of the best writer/ directors around and Inglorious Baterds fits his style perfectly. This movie is not as good as Pulp Fiction, but it is most certainly in the same league. This movie takes it's time and isn't consumed with the violence, even though it is extremely violent. There are no weak (or short) scenes. The dialogue is carefully written and the character complex and interesting. The best performance is by Brad Pitt. If only this were a true story, things would have been different.

District 9

The Grand Theater 8/22/2009 Good This movie wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. It's certainly worth seeing, but the camera work wasn't done very well. Some of the action was cool, but some of the "raw news footage" made me think of Cloverfield and Quarantine (Not a good thing to be reminded of). Fortunately the whole movie wasn't set up as news footage, however the design and writing seemed haphazard and unfocused. I thought the main male character was annoying so I didn't care about his sacrafice on behalf of the aliens. The cool part of the movie was that you have a lot more empathy for the aliens then the humans. I almost want to see a sequel where the aliens come back and kick the crap out of us. If they'd make one I'd go see it and hope they learned how to make a better designed movie in process.

500 Days of Summer

8/14/09 The Grand Theater Good This was a funny movie with some great acting and actors. I just didn't appreciate the treatment of the main male character by the main female character. It's the type of movie I would have tottally related to 10 years ago, but now, all I want to see is happy endings. It was creative in it's filming and presentation of it's storyline.

The Time Traveller's Wife

8-14-78 The Grand Theater Excellent Cool movie. I enjoyed the idea. I was worried it might have a Quantum Leap sort of feel to it, but it didn't. It didn't take itself too seriously, it was more like, what if? I appreciated the what if and thought it made for an endearing thoughtful movie. The only thing is after you see it, don't try to tell someone what happens in the movie, it makes it sound really stupid. If you don't beleive me watch Jon Stewarts interview Rachel McAdams when she tells him what the movie's about. It's a little farfetched and complicated, but hello, it's about a time traveller. Maybe we shouldn't focus too much on the details, eat our popcorn and enjoy the show!

Time for a rant!

Is anyone else tired of Movie Critic sites that do nothing but crap on movies they don't like. I mean why did you spend all of that money to go see something just so you can write something negative about it? What movie have you produced, directed, acted, written? Now I understand if you thought it was going to be great and then being disappointed . If that's the case then by all means be as critical as you like, however if you intentionally write about a movie to make yourself sound important or knowledgeable, well save it because no one cares what you think. No one cares what I think! And I get annoyed when I'm trying to find intelligent feedback on a movie and I find all these people just writing things because they think they're clever. You don't sound clever, you sound stupid. I read a review once that was so convoluted I didn't understand one word of it. Now I'm an educated man but I'm sure some of these people are sitting at their computers with ...

The Orphan

8-10-2009 The Grand Theater- Four Seasons Station F.U.B.A.R. In my day I have seen some screwed up movies. This was the most twisted weird*** movie I've ever seen. I'm going to have nightmares tonight and to be honest I'm not sure I want to sleep in a house with a small child. Wow this movie was crazy. It was an excellent movie but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I could never wish that on anyone. So unless you want to become very disturbed don't see this movie. It will warp your fragile little mind!

Julie and Julia

8-8-2009 The Grand Theater Excellent I perfered the Julie true story to the Julia! It was a great movie to watch. Both stories were very interesting and it helped to know they were both true. Julie in the movie reminds me of my wife and her husband reminds me of me. The only difference between him and me is I am a saint and I know it! Ouch...that lightening bolt was awfully close to the keyboard. I wonder with all of that butter how Julia and her hursband lived to be 92 and 94 years old? I'm so glad they told us at the end of the movie that the book Julie wrote was made into a movie...I would have never known.

The Perfect Getaway

8-8-2009 The Grand Theater Excellent Outstanding! (Stealing a line from the Movie) I totally called it 15 minutes in, by the way movie trailer producing people that read my blog don't ever say there's an amazing twist because it always gives it away, even so I loved the movie because it had the 2 main ingredients 1. Good characters 2. Good Story. I say again... Outstanding!

The Ugly Truth

8/7/2009 The Grand Theater Great Predicatble, Formula driven, nothing unexpected. Just good fun. I enjoyed my afternoon watching this movie, I think you will too!

The Collector

8/7/2009 The Grand Theater Excellent Yes! Go see it soon! Go see a good slasher movie! Go see some gore, as well as a few other things. Non stop exciting, well filmed action.

Funny People

8/2/2009 The Grand Theater Good This movie was moderately funny. The stand-up portions were the funniest. If you were looking for a purely funny movie then wait for the DVD and fast forward through the "story" part and just watch the stand up. The story portion of the movie is interesting, with interesting characters. I wasn't crazy about the ending, however it's probably a realistic one. The only probelm is after 2.5 hours, I'm ready for a more definative ending that isn't so open-ended.